UGC Journal
TYEKON RESEARCH will help you with UGC journal paper publication for all your subject needs. TYEKON RESEARCH journal team will provide you with the UGC journal list 2025 and also you can get the UGC journal list pdf from us. We take care of your UGC care registration, UGC care login password creation, tracking publication status, and much more. You can get the latest list of UGC care list group 1 & 2 journals. TYEKON RESEARCH is here to offer paid and free UGC care list journals. Here, TYEKON RESEARCH has given the step-by-step procedure for checking UGC care list journals for all domains.

UGC care lists paid journals
You can visit our official website. You can log in to,
UGC care list classes will be shown. You can see the classes in the order of,
Group A
Group B
Group C
Group D
You can select your appropriate category from the above- mentioned classes.
You can enter the name of the journal. You will get the result of the journal name that you have entered.
Free and Paid UGC Journal publication
UGC is one of the most prestigious journals that provide the highest reputation for all your research work. UGC care journals 2024-2025 offer both free/paid UGC care journals for so many subject areas. Here, TYEKON RESEARCH will be helping you in publishing your papers in UGC care journals in English literature, Hindi language, education, management, computer science, commerce, mathematics, humanities, social science, and more.
TYEKON RESEARCH is here for you in fast and easy journal publication in world-reputed journals as like UGC care list journals. UGC care list offers both free and paid categories of journal publication. TYEKON RESEARCH will perform an effective role in both free and paid journals. Here, we have given our simple format of a working strategy.
step1Select your mode of publication whether it is free or paid
step 3Get start your discussion with the subject matter experts about your publication.
step 5We will suggest an appropriate journal for you based on your paper and research topic
step 7After all this, we will analyse whether your paper has met the highest standard of quality or not. If not, we will suggest you for the paper rewriting process with the help of experts in TYEKON RESEARCH.
step 9We will create a separate login ID and password for you and share the details with you to tack the journal process.
step 2Check your price and offer details with the help of TYEKON RESEARCH expert
step 4Send us your paper and research topic
step 6If you are satisfied with the journal, then you can proceed with the further process.
step 8Once the writing and quality assessment process has been done, we will pass your work to a journal.
step 10We undergo journal revision also, and a resubmission process. And then we share the ACCEPTANCE result of your paper.
Get the Best UGC journal list from TYEKON RESEARCH
UGC-approved journals are actually a medium. Through this, you can publish your article. University Grants Commission will consider your research article only if you publish your research paper in ant UGC-approved journals. If you are publishing your research paper through any other private journals, then that will not be considered valid. To date, the UGC care list journal holds a total of 38,653 journals that are indexed in the web of science, Scopus, and Indian citation index. Almost research journals from all disciplines have already been indexed in UGC.

- Affordability
- offers & discounts
- high quality
- professionalism
- free technical discussion
- Free cover page
- free Turnitin plagiarism report
There are numerous benefits you will get from TYEKON RESEARCH. We are your end-to-end research partner and provide research support from the beginning to the end of your research programme. You will get benefits such as,
365 days of research assistance
High-quality research work
Timely delivery
Assured journal acceptance
Instant Communication
Free journal expert advice
Free technical discussion
Free Turnitin plagiarism report
High-quality writing
A Quick Note: What are UGC care groups? And How to find out the classes?
UGC- journals have divided the entire list of journals into ‘4’ main groups that are clearly explained here:
Group A: A Group A occupies the research journals list from all disciplines that are indexed in the following journals such as Scopus source list or Web of Science, Science Citation Index Expanded Source Publication, and Social Science Citation Index Source Publication.
Group B: Here, Group B occupies the UGC Care List of Journals from the previous lists that are qualified as per the analysis protocols.
Group C: Group C occupies the recommended journals by UGC-CARE Council members from all subject areas that are qualified based on the analysis protocols.
Group D: Group D occupies the list of journals submitted by UGC-CARE Universities for all disciplines and languages that are qualified based on the analysis protocols.
You must know this:
SUBJECT | Total UGC-approved Journals 2025 |
SCIENCE | 422 |

This may be the common question that arises while you are looking for journal paper publication help. But choosing TYEKON RESEARCH will give you multiple benefits in various ways.Here, TYEKON RESEARCH will be there for you in selecting an appropriate journal for you. And we will be there for you in writing your journal paper without any kind of errors. We will not only provide writing and publishing services, we always are there for you to fulfil all the research needs of your research programme. In the case of journal paper publication, we will provide paper writing, editing, and proofreading your journal paper. Always we will give you an assurance of paper acceptance if the paper is written by us.