Anna University Annexure 1 journal
Anna University Annexure 1 journal has both paid/free journal lists of Annexure 1. Annexure 1 journals are the highly indexing journals when compared with other top journals. Here, TYEKON RESEARCH offers the Anna university annexure 1 paid journals list 2025 and a free journal list for you. Our team offers Fast publishing annexure 1 journals list for all your subject area.
Publishing your research paper in Anna University Annexure 1 journals are not that much easy. But, hiring TYEKON RESEARCH will give you a way or fast and easy publication of Anna university annexure 1 journals. You can also download Anna university annexure 1 journal.

Annexure 1 journal guidelines:
Get instant guidelines and rules for publishing your Annexure 1 journals at Anna University. We provide additional guidance and help for publishing your first-time papers in such journals. While publishing your research paper, we take care of the quality, and originality of your research work. Your research papers will be continuously screened for plagiarism with the highly standardized software Turnitin.
Here, TYEKON RESEARCH provides the common top “15”
important guidelines for submitting your research paper to
Anna university annexure 1 journals.
- 1. It must have the proper formatting style
- 2.Figures and tables of the paper must be properly cited.
- 3. Style and language of the paper must match the journal rules.
- 4. All your supplementary materials must be relevant to the topic
- 5. Your paper must be original and free from plagiarism
- 6. You must use relevant keywords
- 7. Data, code, and materials must be properly cited
- 8. Your paper must be free from jargon
- 9.Your paper must have well-standardized language and it must be free from grammar errors.
- 10. You must properly use technical abbreviations
- 11. You must describe the experimental protocol in detail.
- 12. Keep all your acknowledgments in detail
- 13.Your research paper must meet the editorial policies
- 14. Must have proper research sources
- 15. It must have a proper reference
How TYEKON RESEARCH will write your paper for Anna University Annexure 1 journal publication?

- Our writers at TYEKON RESEARCH will be following the strict journal guidelines while writing your manuscript.
- We do deep research related to your research topic and collect all the sources that exactly match your topic.
- After this, we organize each and every research sources that we have collected.
- We start writing your research work based on the guidelines.
- We follow font size, style, and formatting style while writing your paper.
- We do not work on copy-pasting content. We strictly follow originality throughout the writing process of your research paper.
- We include sharable summaries wherever we can.
- Additionally, while writing your paper, we look over pages, lines, numbers, footnotes, language, abbreviations, reference style, equations, and more.

Top MOST Reasons for manuscript rejection. They are,
- Lack of originality, novelty, and significance
- Using irrelevant methodologies
- Results that are unoriginal, unpredictable, and irrelevant.
- Results that are mismatched with the clinical, theoretical, and practical implications.
- Manuscripts that lie outside the stated aims and scopes of the chosen journal.
- Manuscripts that do not follow the specific format of the journal.
- Your chosen research topic that is not of interest to the readership of the journal.
- Poorly formulated research question
- Poor conceptualization of the approach to answering the research question
- Choice of weak methodology
- Unreliable or incomplete data
- Inappropriate references
- Insufficient literature review
- Insufficient explanations of the study
- Failure to place the study in a broad context
- Poorly designed labels and figures
- Poor grammar and spelling mistakes
Experts support
Subject-based guideship
Error-free writing
Free plagiarism report
Highly experienced team
365 days of support from experts
Unlimited and free revisions
Strict journal & domain adherence
Free and live demo sessions
Free technical discussion sessions
Rough draft preparation
Free & paid journal publication assistance
“What TYEKON RESEARCH Follows for the Anna University Annexure 1 journal paper publication?”
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Domains we cover frequently…
There are so many domains that TYEKON RESEARCH covers regularly. But, here we have given some of our frequently engaging domains for you
- Artificial intelligence
- Banking of finance
- Bio-medical engineering
- Cloud computing
- Communication system
- Data mining
- Digital signal processing
- Embedded system
- Grid computing
- Human resource management
- Image processing
- Information system management
- Information technology
- Internal business
- Marketing management
- Multimedia
- Medical image processing
- Mobile computing
- Operation management
- Pattern recognition
- Power system
- Robotics
- Security and privacy
- Signal processing and biometrics
- Soft computing
- Software engineering
- Web mining
- Wireless sensor network